A review by ubalstecha
1632 by Eric Flint


A lot of people want to live in the past, enchanted by the romance. A lot of them have written fanciful, romantic stories about travelling back in time. 1632 is not one of these.

A small town in West Virginia has been transported back in time to 1632 (hence the title) due to a side effect of an alien technology. They are deposited into the middle of the Thirty Years War in the German province of Thuringia.

Exploring their new environment, some of the townsfolk stumble across war atrocities in the making. Rescuing some of the local peasants, the Americans quickly realize that they need to band together if they have a hope of surviving. They also realize that their current level of technology is not sustainable, that they have to "gear down" as it were.

Author Eric Flint has struck a perfect balance between historicity and fiction. There are overwrought moments of American patriotism and pride, but there are also uniquely human moments that make this alternate past seem so real and engaging. Worth picking up.