A review by tynga
Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'Hara


Antoinette Petrescu, is a vampire hunter in a world set in an amazing lore. Vampire is indeed the common public name for Aeternus, a race of vampire living peacefully. As opposed to Dreniacs, a race of vampire addicted to death-induced high, they are serial killers of the worst kind. Antoinette is hunting the latter, but also has a strong repulsion to Aeternus since her mother’s murder. A dreniac is currently on the loose, killing prostitute matching Antoinette’s physical description. She is determined to stop him, even with demons from her past hunting her, and even if this means teaming up with sexy Christian Laroque, Aeternus.

I LOVED this book for multiple reasons, but the lore is one of the main ones. It kind of reminds me of the Vampire Academy series because of the good vampire/ bad vampire aspect, but is original nonetheless. I have to admit it was a little confusing at first because of all the new terminology, but thankfully, Tracey included a glossary at the end =)

I also really liked the character’s richness: They all have an interesting past and an unique personality. Viktor was my favorite. He is so corky, smart and original. There aren’t two like him. Christian is indeed brilliant and suave, but also tormented by his past, I appreciated his strong character and determination. Those last two qualities also apply the Antoinette, but what made her so special was her vulnerability. She is a strong and capable female, but the “bad guy” had such power on her, it shattered all her strength, and made her that much more real. If I had one complain regarding our heroine it would have to be her name lol It’s such an old French name it just didn’t sit right with me.

The tension roused in a crescendo the entire book and ended in a blast – literally. The plot took twist and turns I never saw coming and kept me on my toes the whole time. I can’t wait to see what’s to come!

This Urban Fantasy is indeed action-packed and passion loaded. A few sex scene to tease the imagination and a fiery intensity between the two main characters. Tracey’s debut is definitely a success and you can sign me up for the second book, Death’s Sweet Embrace.