A review by a_novellife
The Vagina Monologues by Gloria Steinem, Eve Ensler


I couldn't put it down. Vagina was always a word that wasn't really spoken in our house. It wasn't a bad word or anything it just wasn't the preferred word for that particular part.

After reading this I lost count of the amount of time I read the word out loud just to see how it fit. Now I couldn't imagine calling it anything else.

This book opened me up to a complete new idea about this everyday appendage. I have never had a horribly bad experience with mine but I now feel so much closer to my vagina than I did before. However silly that may sound to some.

Read the book you will understand. I never would have glanced at this book twice if it wasn't for Emma Watson's 'Our Shared Shelf' book club. I will forever be grateful.