A review by emily_loves_2_read
Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti


Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 6/7/22
Author: Rebecca Zanetti
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Pages: 344
Goodreads Rating: 4.58

Thank you to NetGalley and Lyrical Press for providing a copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: Run:
Gemma Falls never expected to use her game theory expertise to outrun a killer. But for years, that skill is all that kept her one step ahead of a deadly stalker. When Gemma gets the chance to teach at D.C. University, she hopes she and her young daughter have found a safe harbor. The only flaw is the arrogant philosophy professor who’s always underfoot giving unwanted advice—in his sexy British accent . . .

My Thoughts: While this is book number 5 in a series, it can be read as a standalone, which I did and had no issues keeping up. Even though this book is classified as a thriller, it has a bit of romantic suspense in it. The story is narrated by Jethro and Gemma, switching between the two, providing the story from their POV. The book starts out as a slow burn but heats up. The characters were well developed, learning a little more from Jethro, who has appeared in other series. This author does a really good job of capturing a little of everything, romance, suspense, uneasiness, a little humor, action, and cute adorable moments. I really enjoyed this author’s writing style and how she pulls this couple tougher. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and will go back to read the other books in the series, eventually.
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