A review by missterrific
Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One's) Relationship with Food a Problem? by Jenni Schaefer, Jennifer J. Thomas


I read this for one of my classes. It's a great read! It gets you thinking about diet culture and how entrenched we are in pursuing the unrealistic thin body ideal in relation to disordered eating. The eating disorder (ED) realm is so grey and people with disordered eating issues can have preoccupations with one thing while another person in a similar situation does not. ED and disordered eating is not clear cut.

I don't like the phrase "Almost Anorexia." It should be replaced with "disordered eating" since it's also referenced a bit with other types of ED in the book besides anorexia nervosa, such as bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, etc. Other than that, totally recommend!