A review by honeybeatslibrary
Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do by Jordan Lee Dooley


First things first, I don’t actually know who the author of this book is, I liked what the book was supposed to be about so I decided to check it out. It wasn’t until I started reading it that I saw she is an instagrammer which I think is pretty rad! When I started the book I was a little turned off, it wasn’t anything new and it highlighted how much privilege she had going into her small shop. HOWEVER this book took a turn for the better when she started talking about perfectionism. As a long time perfectionist I was so happy to hear someone naming it. Being a perfectionist is something i’m learning has done far more harm than good in my life and she talked about the not so positive impacts of it- i’m grateful. Then she shared something that I know will be a game changer— the 10/10/10 rule. She heard this from a friend of hers and the concept outlines thinking about how something will impact you 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years from now. Thinking about the long term impacts of your choices can help you be a little more precious with your time and what you say yes and no to—as a people pleaser i needed this. On the whole I left this book feeling inspired to really evaluate where I am in life right now—and appreciate my strengths and weaknesses. There is a spiritual component to this book because Mrs. Dooley is Christian. I am too so this was relatable to me, but if Jesus isn’t your jam there is plenty of information in this book that can be helpful and valuable. I think I will read this book again to take some notes on the tips I want to try to implement in my life, but on the whole I really enjoyed this book and i’m better for having read it.