A review by nbwalks
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


This book reminded me of how much I love YA Contemporary. Lately I have mostly been reading Paranormal but now I've realized how much I've missed books like these.

It's not your average contemporary novel where EVERYTHING works out. It just leaves you with hope.

Hudson is a very relatable character. She has an uncertain future, hopes and dreams that she feels like she can no longer accomplish, along with normal teenage troubles. After her parents divorce, Hudson had to grow up fast. She can't really be a teenager because she has to take care of her brother and help her mom out with finances. She hides behind her cupcakes because of the pain she feels. This struck home for me because I'm practically in the same situation. My parents got divorced and I hid behind my books. I think Sarah Ockler did a great job at creating a realistic character that is in a tough situation. It never felt fake. It felt like Hudson was REAL and that was the best part.

All of the other characters were great too. Dani was a great best friend that I wish I had. Bugs was a fantastic little boy. Makes me wish I had a little brother. The whole wolfpack team were great too. They were created as boys really are. It was never exaggerated. Just perfect. I don't think I hated any of the characters. Even though it seemed like Will was about to become a jerk at some time, he never did. His vulnerability and the pressure from his family to be great causes the reader to empathize him. I don't know. I just couldn't help but love all of the characters...well, except maybe the dad. He's something else.

My point: Fantastic novel that I recommend to everyone!!!