A review by elcanaldevenecia
Playing with Fire by L.J. Shen


Maybe this book gets into my favorite’s list of the year, ‘cause just as another book from LJ, it took me by surprise even though I thought I was prepared. Her books continue to be my favorite’s to devour since no matter how big or small they’re, I fly through them.
In Playing with Fire we have the story between Grace and West, both of them living in Texas. Both of their relationships with their family are really complex and have dealt with issues respecting a dangerous element; fire. That’s why people always say to be careful and respect it because it can change your life.
West is a rude boy that loves his bike, fights illegally, and has a shield around himself. Meanwhile, Grace is a girl that has a big dream, high hopes, and a big heart but she lacks self-esteem. They also have in common that their lives were already planned, they knew their future, they were popular and had everyone’s attention. Now, every time they have a little bit of attention, it is not good at all.
Sounds like a normal story but it’s far from being one. It’s a powerful, heart touching and valuable story. You just need some courage to read it.