A review by yapha
Chasing Secrets by Gennifer Choldenko


Lizzie is not enjoying the life of a proper young lady in San Francisco in 1900. She does not want to be attending Miss Barstow's school, she would much rather assist her father as he tends to a variety of patients. She wants to learn about science and medicine -- not etiquette and dance. When threat of the bubonic plague puts all of Chinatown under quarantine, Lizzie is desperate to find Jing, the beloved family cook. When she discovers Jing's secret hidden upstairs, she knows she must try even harder. Partly a medical thriller, partly a testament to the power of friendship, this is a novel not to be missed. It includes an interesting look at the early years of vaccination. Highly recommended for grades 4 and up.

eARC provided by publisher via NetGalley.