A review by kistireads
Jade Shards by Fonda Lee


I *squealed* with joy receiving an ARC of Jade Shards by Fonda Lee. The Green Bone Saga is one of my favorites fantasy series to date, and I really enjoy Fonda Lee's writing. I knew being back in this world for these short stories would be bittersweet and it was.
Thank you to Netgalley and Subterranean Press for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

**5 stars**

These were all character driven short stories in my opinion. I believe the last was the most plot heavy, but even then we got a great glimpse into the character that was being highlighted. I was delighted to learn more about each character, as they all left an impact on me after finishing the Green Bone Saga. The character evolutions from Jade Shards into the trilogy itself are amazing, and here I really got an insightful glimpse into the pre-beginnings of Jade City. Honestly, I wish we had a whole second book of shorts stories from this world, to look into how even more stories, relationships and events fell into place. We didn't have much more world building in this book, but as we explored the world during the trilogy, it was not necessary.

As always, Fonda Lee's writing is one of my favorites; it's captivating, heart wrenching and flows so well within the story and world. For me, she captures the atmosphere and central essence of the emotions in all her characters and stories. I feel like I am right there with them, feeling very involved and invested, feeling WITH them.

I think my favorite short story involved Hilo and Wen, and seeing a softer, more nervous side of Hilo when he was younger was really sweet and human.

I enjoyed this collection of prequel short stories from the Green Bone Saga world immensely, and am overjoyed I was given an advanced copy to read and review. For any lovers of the Green Bone Saga, this collection is a must!