A review by osamatheauthor
The Stranger by Albert Camus



Being a book reader, I missed a keen point of knowing the author and one's background in writing the book, a novel or a piece of poetry, etc.,

Initially, reading Albert Camus' work was somewhat difficult for me just because I was not aware of his style of work and the reason why he writes in a unique way that may seem to have a mere meaning, but deep down, it does have the potential for us to comprehend and grasp.

Through his work, I understood that life can be lived without a defined meaning or purpose. The idea of having a purpose to spend life comes with creating or building a change that would eventually be considered a revolution.

One can act with the primary thought one gets hit with as getting not into the depths of it can be considered. One can decide to stay quiet afterward, as Albert Camus wrote, "Well, I rarely have anything much to say. So, naturally, I keep my mouth shut."

Some of the observed points from reading the novel are:
1. The more you think, the more your thoughts will capture you.
2. Numbness is an emotion of its own.
3. What if your liberty deprives you?
4. Your physical condition can influence your feelings.
5. Is not knowing better than knowing a lot?
6. Eventually, your acts define you.
7. Know the worth of words before it's too late.
8. Your imprisonment is done by your thoughts.
9. Am I supposed to blame a man for lacking when it was never in his power to acquire?
10. Your imagination is your real power.
11. Knowing what does not create interest for you is more important than knowing what does.