A review by melbsreads
The Eternal War by Alex Scarrow


I liked the concept of this more than the execution. The idea of history changing so that the Civil War goes on for 150 years is kind of nifty. But that happening because Abraham Lincoln followed the team back through a time portal to 2001? Wonktastic. The basic gist of it seems to be that Lincoln was kind of an asshat until he came to the future and learnt about the PEOPLE part of people of colour. But it still seems that it was more the fact that he saw the world that an ongoing war had created that changed his mind more than seeing certain characters in the story as people rather than slaves. And sure, Lincoln was no saint. But it's still kind of weird to imply that he only became who he did because of time travel...

Other than that, this was fine. Nothing spectacular. More of the same formulaic something-changes-in-history-the-team-fucks-it-up-and-then-has-to-try-and-fix-it stuff as the previous books. I'm still enjoying the series, but I probably shouldn't be reading them this close together because you basically just change the historic setting then rinse and repeat.