A review by kupo88
Wings by Elizabeth Richards


I hate to do this, because the writing wasn't that bad, but the story was just long. When I started the third book, I was already weary of the plot. Which is a shame, because the original premise of the story was really promising.

When we started out, we were introduced to a unique version of vampires coexisting with humans but suffering under a tyrannical and racist government. This plot spanned through all three books, which would have been fine, except for the fact that the characters and the scene never changed or evolved. The best way I can think to explain my lackluster enthusiasm for the third book is with a video game comparison. When you play a video game, you are introduced to an antagonist almost immediately, but by the end of the game you've learned so much more about the plot that you typically find yourself facing a final boss who wasn't the one you were introduced to at the beginning.

I don't mean to say that Purian Rose's character did not deserve to be the villain throughout the story, but rather none of the cast ever changed. We were introduced to some new characters along the way, but Sebastian still being there up until the end was just..... uninspiring.