A review by ravensandlace
Babayaga by Toby Barlow


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tw: use of n word, infanticide, murder, cheating, slut shaming, use of word gyspy, rape, assualt, drug use/drug overdose

I’m going to come right out and say it. This wasn’t a good book. And I was so excited about it too. A Russian themed book involving spies? With witches involved too? Sounds awesome right? Well it was not awesome and I am still bitterly disappointed by this book. Why I slogged through this book when I honestly could have just dropped it is beyond me. I think it’s because I don’t like not finishing books. It’s why I trudged through The Raven Boys when I really should have dropped that book too.

I think this book could have been so much better if it was focused on the story of how Zoya and Elga became witches. It didn’t have to be about spies or the Cold War even. Zoya and Elga’s stories were good enough that they could have easily been a good story. There was no need for any other side characters or their stories. I was only interested in those two and to be honest, I was only interested in their backstories.

The whole book was just plain convoluted. I didn’t even know it was based in the 1950’s during the Cold War until I read the synopsis about halfway through the book. There was no real point to the story. I truly hate to bag on a book because I know how hard authors work on their books. But I just didn’t enjoy this book. I don't recommend it either. At least the cover will photograph well.