A review by littlemissmommy
Our Bloody Pearl by D.N. Bryn


I was lucky enough to read Our Bloody Pearl in the last round of critiques, so that means it hasn't changed too much since I read it. From the moment I started, until the end I couldn't put the book down, and would often sneak my phone out to continue reading at work, it's just that good.

Bryn has created a unique and fascinating narrative voice through Perle. They're a blood thirsty siren who's been held captive and no longer has use of their tail, and their story is one of revenge, adaptation, healing, and forgiveness. Bryn doesn't shy away from the predatory aspects of Perle's nature, but still manages to keep them sympathetic. That, along with loveable Dejean, the pirate captain that rescues Perle, his first mate Simone, and her energetic partner Murielle create a wonderful cast of diverse characters with more representation than any book I've previously read.

I lean strongly towards fantasy books, but I loved the soft steam punk edge OBP had, and never felt too out of my depth when reading the descriptions, and I loved the vivid ocean settings that were described. The descriptions are fantastic and I have clear pictures in my mind of so many of the settings which I found refreshing. Same with the characters. The book played more like a movie in my head, and that's rare for me.

Over all I strongly recommend giving Our Bloody Pearl a shot. It's a quick read, but one I'm sure you'll come back to over and over again. If you love sirens, ocean settings, well crafted stories, and diverse multidimensional characters this book is for you. I can't wait to read more books from Bryn and I'm eagerly awaiting more from this world in particular.