A review by paperbackstash
Entice by Carrie Jones


This is the third book in a surprisingly layered young adult series. Each book has held oodles of charm and lasting appeal on my bookshelf. This one takes off where the second left off, with Zara desperately hoping to rescue Nick while struggling with her feelings for Astley in the midst of a war.

Zara pretty much risks everyone and everything to save Nick. A few deaths even occur - it almost gets selfish. I especially disliked the death of an under-used character. The death scenes were at least dramatically awesome, all the death scenes were epic and memorable. I can picture them clearly due to the author's writing technique. Like an epic fantasy movie. Valhalla and the story with that- well, more far-reached than I wanted this story to go - but certainly unusual and well done for what it's worth.

This book brings the series more into an epic adventure/type rather than UF/fantasy.

Zara isn't as likeable to me. She's...different. I missed some realism she had before. To me she's becoming too much like any other "kick-ass UF Chick" and losing some of her originality. While Astley was a cool, introduced player in the first and second, my dial has gone backwards a bit as to me he's become a little too clingy and emotional. He's now the cliche nice guy with little mystery. There are some strong bonding moments between them, though.

Even if the characters don't dazzle me as much now, the warm and fuzzy glow is well-written dramatic scenes that kick out hell of an impact. The wording, pacing and talent make it a cerebral movie.

Overall a must read for series fans, even if it's less enjoyable than it's predecessors. It stretches itself admirably, clearly growing to encompass more than one town and one group.