A review by 1809liza
Haunted by the Devil by Kinsley Kincaid



At first read the trigger warnings before starting this book.
This book was gifted as an arc to me in exchange for an honest review.

The book started with a girl named Rain she is living with her mom and doesn´t know her biological dad. She works at a restaurant. 
On her birthday she is kidnapped by a boy named Elijah and brought to a really dark place. The people in that place are a cult. 

Im not gonna tell too much because im not going to spoil the book. This was something new to me. In the first few chapters i was like: what am i reading and i was close to drop this book because i had the feeling this was not going to be for me. But somehow i was drawn to the book and i wanted to continue. 
And im glad i did! i really loved the relationship between Rain en Elijah! 

There are some points that could've been better in my opinion. I wish we knew more of Maxton and his background and also from the mother of Elijah. I missed some background and information about the cult too. I feel like we don't know enough. 
The spice was very hot in this book! 

I really loved it and i am very thankfull to be a reviewer of this book.