A review by not_another_ana
The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp by Leonie Swann

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.

I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher

It pains me to drop it so soon but I could not keep up with the plot. The author has a very particular way of writing that didn't work for me. A little too rushed with short, quick sentences that told me nothing. I understand why the narration was like that, after all the protagonists are old people who don't have all their faculties, but it didn't capturee my attention. The little that I got to see of the characters did not endear me to them in the least. I found them all too quirky and unrealistic. Perhaps with an easier to follow storyline I could have accepted them for what they are, but in this case it simply turned me off from the book

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