A review by sevskywalker
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander Freed


Oh..The feels... I'm drowning in them and devastated. If you have watched or read Rogue One, you know what I'm talking about.

This is the best Novelization ever.. I couldn't be more satisfied ever after reading a movie turned to book.

I came to understand our ragtag group of characters a bit more than we could in the movie and this brings the much needed connection that we should have made with these characters(in the movie), which a lot of people criticised that the movie lacked( partly true, but I disagree, which might be because I'm Star Wars trash and am just biased).

I'm not saying that the book is better than the movie, but it does makes the overall experience a lot more deserved and satisfying, not completely eliminating the flaws overall-as they are still present-but maybe succeeded a little bit more in making them less obviously glaring

P.S.: If you read the prequel novel to Rogue One- Catalyst: A Rogue One novel- by James Luceno, you are more aware of the impact that the whole Erso family brings to the galaxy of the Star Wars universe and also,you know and care more about Galen and Lyra Erso and ironically, Orson( so called "antagonist" of this story) Krennic too which, if you have only watched the movie may find that all their characters are lacking.

It seems that every Star Wars book I read, every Star Wars movie I watch only makes me love the whole galaxy far far away more and more.
- Sudeep