A review by katie_83
Beachcomber Enemy by Stephanie Queen


Beachcomber Enemy
By Stephanie Queen
4 stars

Beachcomber Enemy is yet again another action packed and entertaining read by Stephanie Queen. I honestly though after all these books I might be a little fed up of Shana and Dane but absolutely not! I absolutely adore these two characters and everything that goes on in their lives! I think the author does an amazing job in creating different stories for them in each book and she absolutely still has my 100% attention! I feel like I saw a different side to Dane in this story too which was great it clearly shows that even now the characters are continually developing and I’m still learning about them. Alongside Shana and Dane there were some great secondary characters, especially Ronnie! It was nice to see how his character had developed form the last time he appeared in a story!
I am definitely looking forward to reading more from Stephanie Queen again in the future!