A review by carolinalopes
The Photographer of Mauthausen by Salva Rubio, Pedro Columbo


This graphic novel tells the story of Francisco Boix, a Spanish press photographer and communist who was sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp and found himself the confidant of an SS officer who was photographing thousands of prisoner deaths. He sees this as an opportunity to prove the horrific Nazi war crimes by stealing the negatives of these photos and exposing them to the World, at the risk of his own life and that of every other prisoner in the camp.

The depths of human strength and resilience never cease to amaze me. These things should never have happened and the majority of us will never truly understand them, but it is precisely by continuing to share these stories that we can stay alert to the horrors and perversity that people can impose on others, and prevent them from happening.

I breezed through this book and adored the art style as well. I highly recommend it to anyone.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.