A review by kiaramedina
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


This review can be found at Read It In A Day

First off, I need to confess that I am a sucker for fairytales and fairytale retellings. I’ll read pretty much anything with the fairytale happily ever after plot-or watch anything as well, I love the Disney princesses movies.

So, I had a pretty good feeling that I would like Cinder. I just didn’t anticipate how much I would love it.

Cinder-as you already guessed-is our Cinderella. With the backstory to boot. She lives with her evil stepmother, her two stepsisters. Her father (or in this case, her stepfather) is dead. She does all the work for her family. Sounds similar to the story we all know and love? For now.

The differences are minor, you know….instead of once upon a time, it’s once upon a future-because this book is futuristic. Asia in the future. And there are robots. So, Cinder(ella)’s little mice friend? Nope, but her constant companion Iko makes up for Gus Gus. I love Iko. She was hilarious and if she were real, I think we’d get along pretty well.

Oh, and Cinder is a cyborg. Yep, that’s right. She’s part human, part robot. Cyborgs are still a little iffy in New Beijing. People are still a bit hesitant to trust them. In fact, they’re downright cruel.

Cinder works as a mechanic, and she is an excellent one. It’s while she’s doing this that she meets the prince, and starts to fall in love, even though she knows its hopeless because she’s a cyborg, and a prince could never love a cyborg.

And while all that drama is going on, there’s a plague raging on, a plague where no one survives and Cinder might just lose someone she loves. But….Read the book.

I love Cinder because she’s not helpless like the Cinderella we’re used to. You know, the one that spends half the movie crying? Yeah, Cinder kicks butt. She takes matters into her own hands and deals with her problems. She not only deals, but she faces them head on. And she’s totally epic.

And at the same time, her relationships with her friends and even her step-sisters are super sweet. Cinder is caring and loving, which makes her the best Cinderella that I could ever wish for.