A review by misthios_pat
Everything She Needs by Hildred Billings, Cynthia Dane


The paperback will probably burn some people's fingers. That was hot!

With the obvious being said. I first met Astrid and Tara in [b:Vows That Bind|58759664|Vows That Bind|Cynthia Dane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1628838611l/58759664._SY75_.jpg|92506024] and had no Idea of their backstory. Which reading their book got me quite into it. However, I was torn between giving this novel a 4 or 5 star review, but hear me out, unless a book has something that really presses my buttons in a bad way I rarely take the time of the day to negatively criticize stuff. So the only reason I wasn't sure how to grade this one is because of the ending. If it had a few more pages with some 'proper' closure I wouldn't even think about it, 5 glorious stars and a place among my favourites, not a common feature for erotic romance.

Because IMO, this was a really good story, the 'secrecy' was well built, I kept wondering what happened to both, Astrid was easier to figure it out and hints were introduced along the story not being a surprise when it finally got revealed; Tara on the other hand was a complete surprise [for me] and I think from this moment on her woes were translated even more in the pages. I felt her disconnection [but could as well have been the amount of caffeinated tea I drank messing with my head], as if she was distancing from Astrid so I wasn't so sure any more about the coupling and such...

So, having already so many pages written, it was a shame we didn't have just a few more finishing the book in a more rounded way, unless there's an extra chapter somewhere to get to know how that final conversation went, how's Tara's mum reacted because in Vows that bind surely this won't be answered. FFS, I fell asleep in the middle of the night (3 am), at 98%, trying to finish it and woke up to have my very great ending, so imagine my dismay when I barely had the wits to keep my eyes open and the book just ended. For this reason I'm inclined to give 4, I'm that petty LMAO. Give me an extra something I'll come back to give a 5.

Anyway, There's a lot of baggage to be unpacked here. I mean, damn girl! these two probably could make a few therapists very rich with their stuff. But this is what made this book richer. It's not just raw lust. The characters were figuring their shit out and that showed, even more considering this isn't fluffy romance.

Also, it's cool to see the pandemic included, but without overwhelming an already charged story.

One last thing. It was funny how it took a very long time to thaw the Ice Queen but when it happened it was was almost instantaneous, suddenly she was a puddle of warm water and it was funny seeing her so mellow in contrast with her bitch self we met first.