A review by the_disreputable_dog
Unladylike: A Field Guide to Smashing the Patriarchy and Claiming Your Space by Cristen Conger, Caroline Ervin, Tyler Feder


AUDIOBOOK USERS - This book utilizes a pdf fairly frequently to illustrate certain points, and while this is fun for sighted people and purchasers of the book, your library copy of the audiobook might not have access to the pdf, and pdfs are not read-able by many text-to-speech screen readers, so blind readers might get annoyed as well. Generally, the book is very informative, though. The only thing I didn't like is that it didn't cover as much about trans individuals as I was hoping. I still like the book and would recommend it to my sighted cis-gendered friends any day, but I'm not sure that my trans friends would like it as much.