A review by middle_name_joy
Carmela Full of Wishes by Matt de la Peña


I don't know what it is about Matt de la Pena's picture books, but I am constantly underwhelmed. The stories have good messages, but they know it, you know? They're trying too hard, in my opinion.

That's not to say [b:Carmela Full of Wishes|33110891|Carmela Full of Wishes|Matt de la Pena|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1516128841l/33110891._SX50_.jpg|53775056] isn't a valuable tale. It's just convoluted. If I were reading it aloud to students, I would feel the need to explain along the way--not about Carmela's heritage or the neighborhood or even why her father has to get "his papers fixed." Kids are savvier than we'd often like them to be. They'd get all that. I would need to connect the dots of the plot: how Carmela, her bracelets, her brother, and the wishes all fit together.

(Or maybe not. Kids sometimes understand what adults do not.)

Overall, I liked it, but I was not blown away. However, you could tie in a great writing prompt: What do you think Carmela wished for? Have students (gr. 2-3) write her wish and illustrate what would happen if it came true. Or, for an extended writing (mini-book), have students write what Carmela's brother would wish for on his birthday.