A review by mirable
Fragments by Dan Wells


Booklist review:

Grades 8-12. In this sequel to Partials (2012), Wells drops readers right into the action. This is a highly political, post-apocalyptic morality tale where each side sees the other as both threat and salvation. Violent, gory warfare is balanced by a philosophical bioethical dilemma; humanity is teetering on the brink of extinction due to their own blindness in creating genetically modified super soldiers called Partials, who have rebelled against their creators. Partials are dying from a built-in expiration date; humans, from a plague. Kira Walker is a new breed of Partial who may just hold the key to cure both in her DNA. Little backstory and quick-paced alternating points of view make the players and circumstances difficult for newcomers to catch on to, and there are a few jarring anachronistic notes (references to toll roads and quarters although no one has used money in years, for example). But the epic scope and grand adventure will keep readers glued to the page, right up to the cliff-hanger ending, which will leave them screaming for resolution. Osborne, Charli.