A review by bianca89279
Counting Stars by Keris Stainton


3.5 - 4 stars

Finally, a new adult novel that wasn't terrible! This was a realistic, cute without being overly sacharine-y and, most importantly, without the over-the-top dramas that are so prevalent in the NA genre. Or was this a Young Adult novel? I still get mixed up about these two subgenres. But anyway, that's not terribly important.

This is a coming of age novel, where 18-year-old Anna is terribly excited about leaving her parents' home and moving to the big city to start a new job. Her roommates are all very interesting and very nice people.

Anna's excitement is not long lived as she has to overcome a big disappointment. Alongside her, Alfie, Molly, Nina and Sean, her roommates, are all having their own struggles and issues to deal with.
I won't say too much more about the plot as I don't want to give away spoilers.

Counting Stars was a quick, enjoyable, competently written novel.

I've received this novel via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Cover: 4.5 stars