A review by liendienmeo
Angel Fury by Ella Summers


3.5 Stars

Aaaww, definitely better than book one, at least romance-wise! The speeches WERE a bit cheesy but whatever, it was sweet.

Plotwise, honestly, someone has to spell it out for me, there was no "aha-moment", mostly because I have a mind like a sieve and can't remember enough details from Leda and Nero's story to connect everything. Is there even a big revelation (or many) that has a huge significance in the Legion of Angel's current plot? I mean it definitely explains why Nero is well NERO but is there more behind it that I didn't get? Please feel free to chime in anytime, I would love to get some answers lol.

Other than that, I thought some things* got resolved way too easily. The execution gave me a very RUSHED feeling and also made me think they were just thrown in there without careful construction and eye for detail.


So Cadence merged the five Immortal weapons into one, they (Damiel and her) touch the hilt and bam it's done? I mean, they weren't in a physical fight, I get that; not much to describe there though I do think the scene would have benefitted from a more detailed description. Maybe how the magic flowed through them or something like that, idk.
Then there was the issue with Cadence's dad. Maybe I'm already primed for all the conflict in the world to happen instead of an easy resolution but... Cadence confronted her dad about the spies and apparently that's all it took for the hard General Silverstar to tell his daughter EVERYTHING. I at least expected SOME sort of struggle or denial. He went to all this length to, in the end, just tell her about it when confronted? It didn't seem to fit somehow.)

