A review by elderlingfool
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter

Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
I read two stories and a half and that was all I could take.

This book is known for darker versions of fairy tales, but I think the correct word is disgusting. Not dark exactly. I think there is a difference.
I also heard that this is supposedly feminist, but after reading about a girl getting raped with the approval of another woman and another girl happily killing her grandmother I was like the famous slow blink guy gif. Honestly, do people even know what the word feminist means? Because every time a book is marketed like that there seems to be women hating on other women.
The writing was a mess. The stories I read until the end were so short that it wasn't as noticeable, but the one I left unfinished jumped from first person to second to third in each paragraph. Wth was that? Pick one! The sentences are so long and confusing that I quickly forgot what the author was on about. All I know is that it wasn't anything important.

Unfortunately, I own this book and it does have a pretty cover. I need to get rid of it though. In the meantime I will just hide it somewhere so I don't have to look at it and get angry. 

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