A review by hellsfire
Obsidian Alliances by Keith R.A. DeCandido, Sarah Shaw, Peter David


I loved Mirror Universe but I love what-if and alternate timeline stories. That's what this was.

I'm not a big VOY fan. I think out of all of Star Trek, VOY was the worse series. It was just boring. The characters were boring and the plot was boring until Seven came on board. It was sad because out of all the premises, VOY had the most promise. Luckily, The Mirror-Scaled Serpent was not boring.

Since the Marquee wasn't explored in VOY, you got that sense of feeling here. The Rebellion was basically the Marquee but more violent and some of the characters were ruthless. I actually liked Harry Kim. Surprisingly, Kes and Neelix were even worked in it.

Cutting Ties was the strangest story and the weakest. It didn't take existing Mirror Universe characters and show you what happened with them. Instead, it showed you as far as I knew, a new race and dealt with the Romulans. There were barely any humans in it. That's not to say that it was bad just that you didn't care as much as you normally would.

Saturn's Children was the best story. It picked off with the last DS9 Mirror Universe episode and showed you former Intendant Kira and Smiley. Kira tried to regain power and Smiley had to deal with being a leader of the rebellion. The most surprising thing was that Keiko was in it and that she wasn't annoying.

I don't know if they'll ever be another Mirror Universe television episode but as long as they have the books, I'll be happy. No one's safe in the books and they can do anything they want. It's also great to see the potential of what characters could have been.