A review by sjb86
Air Bound by Christine Feehan


This is the 3rd SOTH series which leads on from Drake sister series.
Maxim has come to Sea Haven to kidnap Airiana so she can be her mysterious Russian father. Maxim thinks he's helping his brother Gavrill out by making sure Airiana isn't harmed and meets her father to discuss a project she started while in school.
Maxim quickly finds out he's also in danger and has to escape not only Airiana father but the Russian government as well.
A lot happens in this book but a warning to people easily upset. In parts there's child abuse, rape and torture and a lot of murder at some points every other line is someone dying.
At times it did feel like Maxim repeated himself and even though he said he'd never make a women as his own he did it without much reflection then almost immediately regretted it but in end did work out.
What I really liked was maxim helping Airiana expand her powers and using them to protect but also kick ass when needed.
I did feel the ending did just abruptly end with not much finishing off book. Maybe a epilogue or something would have been nice. I did however start up again in book 4 Earth bound which is Lexi story and one of the least known sister.