A review by a_chickletz
God of Neverland: A Defenders of Lore Novel by Gama Ray Martinez


I'd like to thank NetGalley and Harper Voyager for allowing me a chance to read this book.

Any time that Brandon Sanderson adds a blurb for a book I'm interested. He writes books that I enjoy, Maybe he reads books that I enjoy too. (Also I think the cover art is done by Chris McGrath and I love his art for books.)

Woo. Boy. This is a confusing book. While reading it I had to think I missed something. The summary had me a bit confused because I thought that there would be some sort of backstory or covering from the author of why Peter is called Mapos and why Neverland is some sort of mythological place. Why Michael is some kind of 'knight', and why there is a following that sees into taking down evil sprites/wraiths/etc.

You're not given anything. You're thrown into this book where you have no idea why things are the way they are, you have literally no backstory or tales interspersed of this new Peter Pan lore the author has come up with. Nothing.

This appears to be the authors' first big official release and for it to be so confusing from Chapter 1? Not good. I seriously think I missed out on a book or something but if this is book one then perhaps a prequel novel or novella is needed.