A review by thewoollygeek
Wicked Enchantment: Selected Poems by Terrance Hayes, Wanda Coleman


I was not familiar with Wanda Coleman or her work before picking this up, so I really am grateful for the introduction to such a beautiful, powerful and skilled poet, I am only annoyed (but sadly not surprised) that it’s taken so long for these to be published in the UK, but thank you to penguin for finally giving Wanda the spotlight she deserved, albeit sadly so long after her passing. Wanda was so talented and had a such an incredible and powerful use of language, she writes intimately and beautifully about inequalities, racism, sexism and human nature, all drawn from her own experiences. These poems will touch you so deeply, you won’t necessarily connect with them all, but you don’t have to feel connected to appreciate the skill and craft in the poems. You won’t always connect as deeply because you haven’t lived these experiences, you can only empathise but not fully understand, but it makes these no less power or beautiful. I am thankful for the introduction to Wanda Coleman,I highly recommend that you pick this up and experience her work yourself, you will only be the better for it

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion