A review by tobbled
A Betrayal of Storms by Ben Alderson


// half spoilers, not really

This book was advertised as 'perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses' which, in hindsight, should've been my first warning. Around the 200 page mark I was wondering if I was reading the same book as everyone else. Everyone who I've seen review this book has had nothing but praise for it: 5 stars across the board. the only review I saw that did actually agree with me, didn't even finish the book.

I read 535 pages of it.

Not only was the plot... boring, but the writing was... well... terrible. To be fair, I reckon that I would've enjoyed the plot... if the writing was better. It was... overwritten... and repetitive. And overused... ellipsis...
and it was fucking annoying. I hope my demonstration has proved how infuriating it is to turn the page to 5 sets of ellipsis on one single page. Nothing should ever call for 5 ellipsis... nothing.
Another thing that was repetitive was the use of the word 'pregnant' as an adjective - which is weird considering it's an M/M romance.

Speaking about the romance, the blurb promised me Gideon, a fey warrior. And I don't know if this is a mistake or not but every description of this book mentions Gideon. And after reading all 535 pages I have yet to meet him. Honest to God, there is not a single mention of Gideon in this entire book. Unless I missed it, I'm pretty sure his name is Erix. This actually really disappointed me, I was really excited to meet Gideon, because maybe he actually had a good personality.
All the characters in this book were pretty one note and annoying. The main character especially. One of the 'betrayals' in the book is from a character who was introduced around halfway and absolutely no one had anything good to say about him (me included).
Except for the main character, who doesn't listen because 'he's been nice to me so I trust him' and then gets shocked when he (inevitably) gets betrayed. To be fair, I did enjoy the betrayal that happened only minutes before. It genuinely shocked me. Mostly because I wasn't really paying attention.

I think 'A Betrayal of Storms' is perfect for ACOTAR fans. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. And this made me consider 3 stars, because maybe this book just wasn't for me. But the physical pain that I experienced during this book wouldn't allow me that extra star.
The only condition in which I would ever read the second book is if I got sent it for free. So Ben, if you want me to slate your book again, hmu.