A review by dalidja
The Clouded Sky by Megan Crewe


Skylar decided to accompany Win to his home space station to see their mission through. But she can't stay with Win. She has to stay with Jule, you know, that ass that's always picking on Win. But not only that, she has to pose as his Earthling pet. A drugged up human used as a servant or entertainment by rich Kemyates. And they can't be seen associating with Win.

And as Skylar gets closer to Jule and farther from Win, Skylar isn't sure who she can trust anymore, especially with a traitor in their midst. And the only way to find out is to take matters into her own hands. Learning the Kemyate language, spying on Kemyate officials, and learning to pilot spaceships. In a matter of months Skylar has become a freakin badass mf. She's matured, taken charge, and made some relatable mistakes.

I can't wait to see what she does next.

Netgalley read.