A review by jovanas_cloud
The Secret City by C.J. Daugherty, Carina Rozenfeld


Maneater - Daryl Hall & John Oates
High For This - The Weeknd

Taylor Montclair - alchemist, dating Sacha Winters (L'hiver)
Sacha Winters - has a power to heal instatly, dating Taylor Montclair
Louisa - girl that doesn't have Sacha's power but somehow can't die and is fucking pissing me off :) , she is dating Alastair
Alastair - old Oxford student
Mortimer - former teacher at Oxford, is actually connected to a demon and is trying to kill Sacha
Jones - dean at Oxford

Book was amazing, nothing less expected from Daugherty, but the fact that Louisa can't die even though she broke her neck, is almost 100% dead but can't die and is annoying me really hard. I was trying so hard not to hate her every time she said something... It is said that Taylor and sacha will go to Paris first, then Taylor will go to Spain with Georgie ( her best friend ), after that she will be back on campus. I just need to know what happens to Sacha and to their relationship, like I need answers and I need them now!!!