A review by xterminal
Domain of the Dead by Iain McKinnon


Ian McKinnon, Domain of the Dead (Permuted Press, 2009)

Whil I can't say that Domain of the Dead does anything new with the zombie genre, existing fans will not be disappointed by McKinnon's novel; after a couple of quick opening chapters that set up the main characters, the book takes off, and it's chock-full of hot zombie action. The majority of it is also set on a boat, which means said hot zombie action is taking place in cramped spaces that are mostly dim, if not dark, which ramps up the excitement factor nicely. If that's what you're looking for, Domain of the Dead is right up your alley. That's what I was looking for when I read it, and it satisfied. My only real beef with the book is that it didn't do anything new, and when you're playing to such an oversaturated market as zombie lit is these days, doing something new is a necessity if you want your book to stand out from the crowd. This one doesn't, but again, that does not in any way make it not worth your time; this is a good, solid, if unexceptional, novel. ***