A review by bellesmoma2021
Storing Up Trouble by Jen Turano


Storing Up Trouble by Jen Turano is fantastic. I know I say this about all the novels I love, but I really did struggle to put this book down. In fact, I stayed up until 2 AM the other night to finish it. I just enjoyed this book so much — it was exactly the novel I needed. Life has been a tad painful and insane lately, so I purposely picked up this book because I know that Turano novels are guaranteed to be light-hearted, hilarious, and romantic. Turano stories are the perfect books to escape into, and Storing Up Trouble proved to be just the medicine I needed at this time.

I really did love everything about this novel — the romance builds slowly, realistically, and so sweetly, and the humor is perfect. I laughed out loud several times and forced my husband to listen as I read several passages to him so he could laugh too! I also thoroughly enjoyed the bit of mystery and the several “street brawls” that broke out. Watching Norman ride to Beatrix’s rescue several times are some of the best moments in the book. Norman is my absolute favorite character. He stole my reader's heart the moment he attempted to save Beatrix from her “crazy” aunt. I appreciate Norman’s journey from arrogant, self-centered scientist to selfless, considerate knight-in-shining-armor. I love how his friendship with his best friend, Theodosia, went from something he used to something he cherished and learned to appreciate. And, I love, love, love that Beatrix is the catalyst to Norman’s character transformation. Because isn’t it the truth — when we find our “one” on this earth we really do want to become the best version of ourselves that we possibly can. Every page of this novel is superb storytelling, but for me, Norman is what made Storing Up Trouble the best story in the American Heiresses series.

I have enjoyed every novel in the American Heiresses series, but Storing Up Trouble is my favorite and I highly recommend it. It’s well written, it’s highly engaging, it’s sweet and romantic, and it’s absolutely hilarious. If you are in the need for a historical romance to escape into, then purchase a copy of Storing Up Trouble. You will love every minute of this one!

I purchased a copy of this novel in eBook form from Amazon.com on May 4, 2020, in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.