A review by amym84
The Perfect Match by Kristan Higgins


Honor Holland was presented as the practical sister in [b:The Best Man|15803757|The Best Man (Blue Heron #1)|Kristan Higgins|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1354847301s/15803757.jpg|21365435]. She was the one that ran the business side of Blue Heron Winery. It's her 35th birthday and she's just been informed that the biological clock is ticking. She's always wanted a family so she decides to propose to her on-again, off-again friend with benefits Brogan. She and Brogan have been friends since childhood and have been sleeping together for years. Plus, she's in love with him. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel the same way (I believe a comparison to that of a baseball glove sums up the total of his affections). So Honor does what most women would do in this situation, and that is go to their best friend's house, eat Ben & Jerry's, and watch Shark Week. A few weeks go by and Honor is determined to find love. She signs up on the websites, the whole nine yards. When she gets a call from Brogan wanting to meet up for drinks she knows that he must be rethinking their relationship. So she gets dressed up only to find out that said best friend is now engaged to Brogan. Obviously this scenario doesn't end well.

Tom Barlow is a mechanical engineer teacher at a local college. He's British and good-looking, thereforethe majority of his students are females who just want to stare at him. It's not the most glamorous job, but he stays because of Charlie, his "unofficial stepson". He was engaged to Charlie's mother and she died in an accident three years ago. Since meeting Charlie, Tom has loved the boy so he tries to stay in his life as much as possible, which is more than Charlie's real father can say. When his work visa doesn't look like it's going to get renewed Tom has to figure out a way to stay in the US for Charlie. Enter Honor who's just ready to have a family even if that means that love isn't necessarily in the equation.

I can always count on Kristan Higgins to deliver a sweet heartening story and The Perfect Match doesn't disappoint. It basically followed the same formula adopted in much of Higgins' work, but I'm ok with that. I liked the addition of the "marriage of convenience". It was an interesting twist on the relationship wondering if two people who genuinly feel no love for each other can form a relationship that will eventually grow into love.

Tom's issues with women go back a long way so you can begin to understand why he would be hesitant to open himself up to someone who admittedly loved another man just maybe a month ago. You can see Honor's hesitancy as well when she's been in love with a man for at least half of her life only to find out he doesn't return that affection.

Both feel an attraction to one another but neither wants to make the first move and put themselves out there when they've both been hurt before. Regardless of this, I did find Tom to be a little cold towards Honor. I understand he's in a situation he doesn't want to be in, but I honestly really liked Honor and didn't think she deserved to be treated with such irritation and disdain. True, he wasn't always like that, and when he would show a vulnerability or do something sweet you couldn't help but like him. And his devotion to Charlie, even with Charlie's teenage reluctance, often brought tears to my eyes. Honor would also find herself softening towards Tom in instances like that.

I felt like the ending seemed a bit rushed. Things took awhile to heat up between our characters. By that point we were already half way through the book, but of course Higging has to throw in a final conflict between our characters that only makes them realize their true feelings for one another. In this case I just didn't think the revelation was that spectacular.

Still a good read and I can't wait to see who's next in line for a story of their own, possibly Jack? I guess we'll have to wait and see.