A review by readingwithrebeccanicole
Backlash by Aaron Allston


From first read January 2018:
I'm not sure if this one started out slow, of if I just wasn't in the mood for it. Once I did get into the story it was quite an enjoyable adventure!

- The last book ended with a cliff hanger about Tahiri Veila, and I wish she was in this story more than she was. I know she was being used as a pawn, but we see less of her than in previous volumes, which was disappointing given the cliff hanger from the last volume. Plus she has been my favorite side character of the series.
- Ben has a lot more focus in this volume, which was nice
- I usually like learning about the different planets and cultures. Since most of the book is spent on Dathomiri, it makes sense that it was given a rich and complex culture. That was fun to see.
- The Solo's adopted granddaughter sure has guts! I love her, but she is definitely a Solo.
- I really, really like Vestara! I hadn't cared for her that much in the previous book, but her character really shines here. Like, I want her to turn to the light side and become a Jedi. Is that asking too much??