A review by stefgibmc
Out of the Ashes by Kara Thomas


GR force-closed while I was wrapping up a lengthy review and my energy is waning.

This is a quick read, face paced, and surface-level entertaining. Thomas is typically known for YA and television writing, and I felt that reading this. It relied heavily on emotion without supporting elements. The details, plot, and resolution(s) are all neglected in favor of ill written co-plots. Every mystery requires for dust to be kicked up, but Out of the Ashes deserved more cohesion and editing. Samantha was humanely designed to be a walking contradiction to all that ails her. She successfully steals a lethal dose of medication, administers it to a terminal loved one, obstructs several investigations, smuggles drugs into a county jail (this was the most bizarre, unrealistic scene of all), and violates the boundaries of nearly every single being she encounters. Her character growth is a whisper of what might happen offline. Her timeline feels overly manufactured to suit her own interests; I wish we could have seen her develop. The ending, summed up perfectly, “hurry up to wait”.