A review by stewreads
Batman, Volume 8: Superheavy by Scott Snyder


I had been patiently waiting for this one to come out ever since I heard that the Snyder/Capullo run was coming to an end. I'm not sure how many hardcover volumes are left, but no matter how many I know that it won't be enough! This series has been excellent at best, and at worst it's still very entertaining. This volume falls somewhere in between the shameless fun of Endgame and the intriguing new villains of Zero Year and The Court of Owls.

I always start out by complimenting Capullo's art in these books, and this one is no exception. Actually, it is, in that the team has officially reached god-status and it's hard to even read the thing without getting drool all over it. Seriously, ever since the fourth volume things have just gotten better and better. The plot could revolve around Batman entering a baby-kicking contest and I would still be amazed at how awesome it looks.

Which leads me to the plot. (SPOILERS)

Batman is dead. But, of course, he's not really dead, and Synder makes absolutely no attempt at convincing us that he is by showing Bruce Wayne in the very first issue. Instead, Bruce's brain and body completely died but were resurrected by the Lazarus pit Dionesium pit that he conveniently died in last time around. Oh, the things we put up with for the sake of comic books...

I actually liked Bruce's resurrection because it was at least explained in a way that still left Batman dead, even if Bruce is still alive. I didn't like Alfred's reveal that Bruce was building a Batman training mind-altering trauma-inducing strangely Nazi-esque machine in the Batcave, but that didn't come into play (yet), so it's forgivable. Also, Jim Gordon as Batman is a lot of fun. Sure, he shouldn't be able to fight anywhere near the way he's fighting in here, but it's still a good time. Plus, he consistently gets the piss kicked out of him, so it's not like he's a super soldier. And finally, the new villain, Mr. Bloom, is very intriguing. I can't wait to see more of him, and I'm sad that this volume ended just as things were really getting good.

Which is my biggest complaint. I want more! I want it today! I don't want cliffhangers, I want multiple cliffs in my hands right now!

Excited for the next one. Bat Lives Matter.