A review by angelatolsma
The Lost Healer: A Fantasy of Love by Rachel Robins


The story is really good but the editing really takes away from it. With some fine tuning I would really enjoy this book. Lots of scenes needed to be flushed out and built better. Other scenes need to be reworked to better suite the characters inner monologue. I ended up reading the story twice. Once for just the story and the second time to see if my first read really did feel the same way about the editing. Unfortunately the editing really did take away from the experience of the story and that's a sad thing, because I so wanted to enjoy this.

Frida is an interesting character. This story is definitely about her coming into herself. What I liked is I assumed her to be closer to my age, and given the adult details of the story I would guess I am right. Because of this it feels easier to connect with her. What would I do in her situation? Chop my hair off and pretend she did or go a different route? I'm not sure, part of me was frustrated that she didn't fight or try anything before being captured. But when you are hiding who you are it kinda makes sense.

The last quarter of the book when Daegal and her are at the inn is where the writing takes a turn and the editing goes up a couple notches. Which is probably why I enjoy this part of the book most. The reason for the lower rating on this book, is due to the editing. As I've mentioned it really took from the experience. I would read this again and continue the series.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review

Happy Reading.