A review by wmhenrymorris
Maps and Legends: Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands by Michael Chabon

I really want to not like Michael Chabon. I suppose it's part jealousy, part irritation with his McSweeney's association and a whole lot of feeling like the dude gets to have his cake and eat it to.

However, although I still think his work is mixed, he certainly establishes credibility in this collection by expressing serious love for (and knowledge of) genre fiction (esp. sci-fi, fantasy, mystery and comics) and by diagnosing (mostly correctly, imo) what's wrong with much modern American literature.

The essays vary in quality and interest, but as a set, they gave me some things to think about and made me feel a bit warmer towards Chabon and his work (and reminded me to ignore the media hype surrounding him).

Although I still don't think that he should have received the Nebula for The Yiddish Policeman's Union.