A review by arireavis
Becoming a Legend by Sarah Robinson


*ARC received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Another good installment to this series. I liked Kane a great deal, even if it took him a while to get his head out of his butt and admit his feelings. I liked Nora and the way she handled situations at the center for kids, but her mommy issues bugged me. I am more of a 'if you don't like me, leave me the hell alone' person, so it's hard for me to connect with Nora doing so much to earn her mom's (nonexistent) love and attention. But she was still a great girl. Kane was willing to sacrifice a whole lot for Nora in the end and it just improved my view of him a lot. The sexy time was hot and you didn't have to wait long for it. You also get to catch up on wedding planning and stuff with the previous books' couples, which was nice. The book was 3 stars, but I'm putting 4 because although I rated the previous 2 books 3 stars as well, something gets me excited about continuing this series, so I think that deserves an extra star.