A review by lovelacebooks
Six Ways to Write a Love Letter by Jackson Pearce, Jackson Pearce


(First of all, thank you so much NetGalley, publisher, and author, for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review)

Synopsis: Vivi Swan is America's Sweetheart and maybe every guy she dates is fodder for her next breakup song. But session drummer Remy Young doesn't care. Touring with Vivi Swan means more money than he and his brother could ever earn on their own. And he's smart enough to keep himself far away from drama. Then a bus mix-up forces Remy and Vivi to spend hours together, and he's surprised to discover that she's nothing like the rumors said she'd be. When she asks for his help writing her next song, he's immediately on board—for professional reasons, of course. Soon, it's clear that every variation of their song is just a different way to write a love letter, even as Remy wonders if he's setting himself up to be the next guy on her list of exes. And when Vivi's private life and public facade finally clash, a celebrity gossip blog threatens everything they've created together.

I loved the cover and synopsis of this book; my expectations were high. At first I didn't know if i would enjoy a romance book only with Remy's Pov but I like to only see what he felt and thought instead of both of them. Although it started good, I lost the interest when I kept reading because it was too obvious to me what will happen.