A review by jennrobyn
The Ravaged by Norman Reedus


This book was an absolute surprise for me. I am not a reader of short stories. I’ve tried on multiple occasions but I either DNF or finish and have no idea what I just read. The Ravaged was different.

This book is three different stories that center around three very different characters but who all struggle with finding their true family and a place to lay their roots. We don’t necessarily get a conclusion to each story but we definitely develop a connection and empathy towards Jack, Anne, and Hunter. I would absolutely read an entire book dedicated to each character.

I think what worked for me was Reedus’ writing style. He’s got that gritty way with words that always plucks at my emotions and leaves my heart feeling a little raw. It’s almost like his writing is a little dirty, if that makes any sense at all??

I throughly enjoyed this book. The audio is read by author and he does a fantastic job. Highly recommend!