A review by amortetia
The Secret History by Donna Tartt


i loved this book so much!

donna tartt has stated that she took almost a decade (if i’m not wrong?) to write this masterpiece, and every second was worth it. the secret history is very well crafted and articulated. it’s characters are so morally insane, yet in a way that isn’t forced upon or falsified. rather in a way that is strange yet so interesting, it makes you wonder how fucked up anyone can be.

the writing was absolutely immaculate. donna has a way of rearranging words that make the reading melt in one’s mind.

julian was the true antagonist, seemingly grooming the group (especially henry) into what lead to their downfall. i believe their blood is on his hands, and i think he believed it too.
julian was the equivalent of who lord henry wotton was to dorian gray. an adult figure who plagued a younger generation’s mind with philosophical thoughts of cruelty and violence—enough to corrupt their way of thought, and eventually their way of life. julian unknowingly cursed these students, and guided them to their demise.

i loved how richard was an unreliable narrator. we will never know the real truth, because we are unable to see it. richard was unable to tell it, and therefore it is foreign to us.

each and every character was insufferable in one way or another. judy poovey was the only real character. i will always love her <3

donna’s work has impacted me so much that i hear her voice with absolute ease!!’