A review by wasauthor
Heroes & Harbingers by A.R.K. Horton


I received an advance reader copy of Heroes & Harbingers for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

As she did with the Telverin Trilogy, [a:A.R.K. Horton|20654021|A.R.K. Horton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1599049361p2/20654021.jpg] introduces readers to a beautifully fantastic setting ripe with storytelling potential. Better yet, Heroes & Harbingers is her greatest accomplishment yet.

Heroes & Harbingers tells the story of Gabriella "Bree" Castille, a student at the Anny Lytle Magical Magnet High School, where she meets two teachers who inspire her in their own distinct ways. Pavlina Sirin, a mythological sirin, and Finn MacCool, the Irish hero of myth.

Described by the author as "adult fantasy academia," the book features a small amount of adult content, including death and grief, pregnancy loss and substance abuse. Despite this and the fact that two of the lead characters are firmly adults, this is a book that is appropriate for younger readers, and one I can see appealing to the Young Adult market.

Its setting will no doubt lead to Harry Potter comparisons, and I saw shades of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Bree's relationship with her mentor reminding me of the Slayer/Watcher relationship. More than the creators of those works, I was most reminded of Neil Gaiman, however; this book builds an intricate world full of mythology in a beautifully distinct, but natural way.

Heroes & Harbingers' three leads are an absolute delight. The author has created a trio of brilliant characters, all of them whom, if used as the sole protagonist, could have carried this book on their own. They are each fully realised, with their own histories and tragedies, their own motivations and their own worldviews. Many of the side characters are just as delightful, while others aren't - regardless, they are all thoroughly entertaining to read.

The plot takes place over the course of a school year, which results in the plot having its ebbs and flows, resulting in a pace that speeds up in points and slows down in others. The slower points never feel like they are filling in space, and I was constantly drawn in, wanting to know where the story was going next. With plenty of twists and turns throughout, I was never disappointed.

The book also brings a healthy amount of heart and emotion. Each character's backstory, as well as the book's events, pull at the heartstrings. Throughout, I felt for the characters, I cared about what they were going through, and I wanted them to get their happy endings.

The author's voice is engaging, drawing the reader in and providing all the information necessary to understand this fantastical world without slowing the pacing down with information dumps. It brings with it a great sense of humour, providing levity which juxtaposes with the darker subject matter nicely, and kept me chuckling as I read.

While this is the start of a series, it works perfectly as a standalone book. The ending opens the door for more adventures to come, but this is a promise of more good times, rather than teasing a resolution at some nebulous point in the future.

If you're a fantasy or mythology fan, I truly recommend Heroes & Harbingers. This is truly wonderful, and if you enjoy the author's previous works, this eclipses them all.

My full review will be available on my website from Wednesday, 8 June. To read it, my reviews of the author's previous works, as well as a host of other reviews, click here.