A review by yonnyan
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love by Lan Medina, Phil Hester, Janice Chiang, Stephanie Hans, José Villarrubia, Sarah Vaughn


I’ve never read anything with Deadman in it, but I really enjoyed this. It can be quite formulaic in terms of Gothic supernatural narratives involving betrayal, however, I loved the inclusion of a Korean biracial bisexual (or possibly pansexual) protagonist and a black queer Nonbinary character who isn’t subjected to stereotypical toxicity and trauma. Additionally, the story flowed very naturally and at a comfortable pace, and it also has beautifully cinematic illustrations that create an engrossing reading experience.

If I could add anything more to it, it would be a bit of backstory on Deadman (even a super succinct one) and a tiny bit more exploration of the MC’s biracial identity.

I would recommend this to fans of classic Gothic supernatural tales and people who are relatively newer to the graphic novel medium.

4.25 antiques outta 5!